Sunday, April 2, 2023

How gematria works

gematria is an ancient practice of assigning numerical values to letters and words. It originated from the Hebrew tradition, but has since been adopted by numerous other cultures and spiritualities, such as the Greek, Kabbalah, and Tarot traditions. This practice is often used as a means of interpretation for sacred texts, as well as for predicting the future.

Essentially, gematria assigns a numerical value to each letter in a word or phrase. The meaning behind this lies in the fact that each number carries its own symbolism and energies, meaning that the combined meanings of these numbers can give insight into a particular phrase or idea. For example, in Jewish Gematria each numerical value may be interpreted differently according to its traditional application in Kabbalistic texts.

For instance, the number 10 (Yod) has traditionally been associated with understanding of the divine name; Number 16 (Tav) refers to perfection as it summons all ten sephirot (divine emanations); and 26 (YHVH) represents God's will and power over creation. Thus when these numbers are added together they can reflect something deeper than just the sum of their individual components.

In addition to traditional applications of gematria, anyone can use it for personal divination or self-reflection by assigning meaning to words and phrases based on their numerical value. This could involve adding up letter values to find out something about yourself or others which could then be used for guidance or insight into life decisions. For example "love" might total to 32 in English gematria; the interpretation might be that you need more balance between your heart and your mind when making decisions regarding love.

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